Featured Post

Friday, September 9, 2016

Hello and Welcome to my Blog! As the title of my blog suggests, this blog will be about different things. I may post about making greeting cards, crafts, recipes I have tried, day to day things and I am hoping to be a You Tuber so I may post something about that. This is all new to me so I hope that you will bear with me as I venture into new territory. This should be interesting and fun. ( maybe a little scary, too)

A little about me- I am a Christian mom and grandmother. I love the world of crafting/art and I am getting back into it.  (It's been a while)  I have been living a sedentary lifestyle for a few years now and I am going to change that. I have also kept myself from going out and about. I am about to change that, too. Things happen in life that can change a person's world and they make the wrong choices that don't benefit them physically and emotionally and before you know it you're looking in the mirror wondering who that person is. You know you have to make better choices and make changes so that is where I am at.

I hope that my blog will inspire you in some way.


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